QR Codes
Who created the QR Code?

QR Codes were created in 1994 by a Japanese company named, Denso Wave, for the purpose of tracking automotive parts.

What do the letters QR stand for?

QR is an acronym and the letter Q means "Quick" and the letter R means "Response".

What is a 'static' QR code?

Encodes fixed information directly into the code. Once generated, the content cannot be changed. If you need to update the information, you have to create a new QR code. Ideal for information that doesn’t need to change, such as plain text, email addresses, phone numbers, or simple URLs. Does not support tracking or analytics. You cannot see how many times the QR code was scanned or gather any other metrics.

What is a 'dynamic' QR code?

Encodes a URL that redirects to the actual content. The content can be changed or updated without changing the QR code itself. You can update the destination URL or the content it points to. Suitable for situations where the information may need to be updated, such as marketing campaigns, promotional offers, or product details. Supports tracking and analytics. You can gather data on the number of scans, location of scans, time of scans, and sometimes even the device used.

What is the difference between a static and dynamic QR code?

Static QR Codes are simple, fixed, and unchangeable. Dynamic QR Codes offer flexibility, editability, and trackability.

Is it possible to encode Chinese or Korean with a QR Code?

Yes, it is possible to encode Chinese, Korean, or any other Unicode-supported text in a QR code. QR codes can handle a wide range of character sets, including those used in Chinese and Korean languages, thanks to their support for UTF-8 encoding.

Can an image or sound be stored in a QR Code?

A QR code itself cannot directly store an image or sound file due to its data storage limitations. However, you can encode a URL or data that links to an image or sound file, allowing users to access the media when they scan the QR code.

Can a QR code use color or an insert image?

Yes, it is possible to use QR codes with colors and inserted illustrations, but there are some important considerations to ensure they remain scannable and functional. Ensure the QR code has high contract between the foreground and background colors. Ensure the logo or illustration does not cover more than 30% of the QR code to avoid interfering with its scannability. Place the illustration or logo in the center of the QR code, avoiding the edges and corners where key patterns are located.

How small can a QR code be printed?

The minimum size for a QR code depends on several factors, including the amount of data it contains, the printing method, and the scanning distance. For most applications, a QR code should be at least 2 x 2 cm (0.8 x 0.8 inches) to ensure reliable scanning.

What is error correction level (ECL)?

QR codes have four levels of error correction (L, M, Q, H), with H being the highest. A higher error correction level allows the QR code to be read even if part of it is obscured by an illustration or damaged.

Can QR codes be used in foreign countries?

Yes, QR codes can be used in foreign countries without any issues. QR codes are a universal technology that can be scanned and read by any QR code scanner or smartphone equipped with a camera and a QR code reading app.

Is it possible to read a QR code printed on a transparent object?

Yes, it is possible to read a QR code printed on a transparent object, but there are several considerations to ensure the QR code remains scannable: Good constrast between the foreground and background colors. Size and consider adding an opaque border around the QR code.

How many versions of QR codes are there?

There are 40 different versions of QR codes, each with a varying capacity for data and complexity in terms of the number of modules (the black and white squares) they contain. These versions are standardized and follow the ISO/IEC 18004 specification.

Security / Permissions
What is an organization?

Do what you want, its MIT.

Is there a difference between 'Account' and 'User'?

There is no difference, they are used interchangeably at qqwik.

How many accounts/users can I have associated to a single organization?

Free subscriptions can have 2 (two) user accounts associated to a single organization.

How many organizations can I have associated to my single user account?

Free accounts can be associated to 1 (one) organization.

Premuim Subscriptions
How do I cancel my premium subscription?

Visit the billing history page where you can cancel or place your subscription on a permanent hold.

Can I get a refund?

We offer convenient monthly billing to minimize your costs. But if you still need a refund, send an email to info@qqwik.com.